Reply To: Daven for Eretz Yisroel

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oh shreck!- kudus to u.

i cannot say i understand everything that is written here, but what i would like to add is that the Chofetz Chaim in his time he owned a store he was a store owner but yet he was the Chofetz Chaim. what I learned from my rebbeim was in those times people were on a much higher level tahat they were able to do both and it would not detract from their concentration with learning ( SOMEONE WHO has never learned a daf gemora cannot understand this- it is extremely hard to have ones mind fully immersed in Torah if he has other worries) , and almost all of klal yisrael worked and learned, but now adays there are so few relgious Jews in the world. those living in the helige BP or Jeru might not feel it but relation to the world there are VERY VERY few people who are actually shomer torah or mitvos let alone learning TORAH! so taht is why teh Rabbonim are distressed abut this….it menas that those who wish to dedicate their lives to Torah – Which is very much needed ( bcz not enough Jews in teh world learning Torah) are now being forced to go to the army. again someone who was never in the atmosphere or walls of a yeshiva cannot fully understand what Torah learning does and what purety it bestows. taking a boy who wants to be immersed in the word of G-d all day long and forcing him to go to the army is a YIDDISHE disastor.