Reply To: MUST READ and PASS ALONG�Spina Bifida, Pregnancy and Nutrition

Home Forums Health & Fitness MUST READ and PASS ALONG�Spina Bifida, Pregnancy and Nutrition Reply To: MUST READ and PASS ALONG�Spina Bifida, Pregnancy and Nutrition


perspective -“Health – you keep on missing the point.”

Actually you are!

“The ultrasound is not the ALTERNATIVE OPTION, it is the REGULAR OPTION. The OP was recommending this test as the FIRST choice in testing. The AFP test is the alternative in most cases.

If you reread my first response, the criticism was not in any reference to the AFP test or any other info posted. The criticism was entirely directed to the OMITTING of information.”

And since US is routine the OP didn’t have to mention it. So the OP had every right to Omit Routine tests, even if the pt. never heard of ultrasounds, the Doc would order it anyway.