Reply To: Rabbis and the draft

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ROB -“Last time I looked, R”yitzhcok Meir Levin z’l-the gerrer rebbe’s brother-in’law- signed the Declaration of Independence”

I never heard of him. Was he a leader in Ger? And even so I didn’t mean every single last one. For the same price you could have said R’ Kook – he definitely was Charedi.

“Last time I looked, they stilllfly the Israeli flag at Ponevezer yeshiva…”

Why do you zionists keep mentioning the flag? R’ Schach zt’l was very much against the Medina -the flag was only because of Hakoras Hatov.

“as far as your question about ‘a medinah based on kefirah’- not true,”

I’m just curious – why do you say Not true? Are you now going to tell me communism also wasn’t based on Kefira?