Reply To: Drug addicts in yeshiva

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The little I know

Here come the liberal voices seeking to minimize and legalize tobacco and marijuana. Phooey!

The dangers of tobacco, including the addiction potential, were not realized fully many years ago. The only reason that it is improper to refer to the tzaddikim of yesteryear as addicted to nicotine is because their self-control was immensely powerful, and they would overcome their withdrawal symptoms by their strong dedication to fulfilling Torah and Mitzvos. The Chofetz Chaim ZT”L was vocal about his opposition to smoking, with direct reference to its addictiveness. All of the liberal voices that contaminate the CR with defenses of open violations of ??????? ??? ????????? have failed to refute the amassed scientific data about the dangers of smoking, even the limited amount of cigarettes.

Weed – here I come. I have investigated this issue for years, and I am familiar with the scientific studies that examine the dangers of THC. There is apparently minimal risk of withdrawal and physical dependency. There also appears to be more reverse tolerance than the straightforward kind which is common to most other drugs. However, its medical adversities are many, long term, and most irreversible. I am excluding medical marijuana from my discussion, as it is a subject of much debate, and is always judged by the professional to balance its need versus the risks. The popularization of the legalize pot movement is akin to the ??? ????. It is accepted, not for its altruistic value, but for its flexibility that allows for one to follow the desires for altered states of mind. And that is inconsistent with everything we know about Torah and Ratzon Hashem. If anyone wonders whether I am labeling any casual use of marijuana an aveiro, I’ll skip the suspense. Yes. It is of unquestionable departure from Avodas Hashem. No I do not represent any body that has a political bias, just some knowledge and experience. I would not pronounce tobacco or marijuana as being ranked in either direction for their dangers. The nature of the effects are different. Comparison and contrast are useless.