Reply To: Drug addicts in yeshiva

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“it’s high time we started prosecuting and/or punishing the States that allow smoking weed. Not only should we prosecute the users, but the Gov. for passing a law against Federal law and Not enforcing Federal law.”

High time? Are you smoking something?

Marijuana remains a Schedule I controlled substance under federal law, although there is really no justification for that classification. It should at worst be a legal prescription drug like cocaine — there is good evidence of medical benefit and it has lower acute toxicity than just about any prescription drug that exists. And there is absolutely nothing that requires a state to make something illegal under state law just because the federal government has made it illegal. The federal government is still able to prosecute all the potheads in America, except that it would require a massive tax increase to pay for all the additional prosecutors, judges, and prisons that would be required. The right wingers would never stand for that.