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Health, in the medical states of the USA, they have found less accidents in general. There seems to be evidence to support my view no links

What you content is maybe the case in Europe if you want to post a link, but truthfully, I am also interested in how things are in the USA, all countries and continents have different modes of living.

You said before more people would try Cannabis if legal. They have to come from somewhere. I think about 100 million Americans have tried versus about 20 mill who consumed in the past month. So that means many try and don’t like. It’s really speculation. But I contend that these additional consumers, some would come from using alchohol. There are already many people who do make this switch. It is certainly a healthier choice, but not the ideal to be dependant unless there is a medical reason.

What I mean at the end is that, I cannot understand the arguments against legalization of Cannabis. Whatever is said that may be bad is the same for alchohol, tobbacco, and gambling, and internet etc.

But in all those cases, we allow adults to be adults, liberatarian like. I am not speaking here of any frum issues.

The person decides for themselves if they should work a second job, or relax, and how they relax.

In addition, we have not mentioned that criminality of prohibition, over something less harmful than,

and the deaths of many people, the waste of resources etc. the lack of funds to rehab people.

We should be able to fund any addicts request for 30 day detox and recovery programming.