Reply To: Three Asifas Today

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We all have weaknesses and everyone should have a filter because theres nobody who doesnt have a strong yetzer hora to look where they shouldnt. The yetzer hora doesnt say “oh he has a strong support system blah blah blah new age psychology blah blah he is impervious to me I wont get him.” The yetzer hora in these areas is very strong, even more so than in other areas as the Rambam says in hilchos Teshuva, a person thinks whats the big deal all I did was look its not like I “DID” anything? So a person is all the more susceptible to aveiros of the eyes.

I dont believe there is anyone who doesnt have a filter that hasnt purposely looked at things they shouldnt have at least once if not many times and certainly and it goes without saying inadvertently.