Reply To: Vacation days for yeshiva children

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Are you guys drinking a little too much on these chagim, erev chaggim and all american holidays off. These parents are working day and night to keep up with your inflated salaries so that they keep thier children in a jewish setting. In return they are called bad parents. When they go back to work the day after Pesach none of their employers say poor jewish lady and man you spent the last month preparing for Pesach you should have another day off to recover and put away your pesach dishes. Instead all the goyish employers look at you as a subpar employee. This does not happen to a menahel or morah.. . Shame on you You are obviously on assistance of some kindor on welfare and get tuition breaks for your childrenand dont know what chaos is when you need to pay full yeshiva tuition and all the other expenses of living.