Reply To: Maalot Dafna jerusalem

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Maalot Dafna jerusalem Reply To: Maalot Dafna jerusalem


Hi, I hope u have a lot of hatzlocha, and u should maybe go to maalot Dafna for a shabbos to check it out. My husband and I lived there for a year and we were barely recognized, ppl didn’t say hello,ppl who we saw every day, I sat in the park often alone others would sit alone also Untill their friend came or s/t. My husband couldn’t stand going to shul and no one saying good shabbos to him, you have to be part of “their e group” to fit in. We were absolutely miserable there we left with a bad taste of that neighborhood. The location is however very central, although ramat eshkol, Arzei, and sanhedria are just as central, good luck with all.