Reply To: Friend in shidduchim with an eating disorder

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Friend in shidduchim with an eating disorder Reply To: Friend in shidduchim with an eating disorder


As much as I hate discussing this, even with strangers, I had an eating disorder for years. Although I have kept its at bay, it’s not something that you outgrow or get over but you can “stop”. Some of the advice here is just plain wrong, and it’s clear that you have no experience with dealing with an eating disorder or people suffering from one, so you should not be giving advice . To the poster who wrote that you should go to a Rabbi or someone with authority.. Why because his authority will have to force her to stop? That’s delusional. If I had had a friend who knew about my situation, and she would have gone to my mother, that would have been the end of our friendship. I got pretty good at hiding and lying when it came to my issues, so if my mother had confronted me i would have lied through my teeth and made her believe me. Now I am not saying not to help, but the attitude here and advice is wrong. Talking to a school

Psychologist is not a bad idea, for they can give you real tools to help your friend , talking to your friend in a mom threatening way, telling her you are worried and that having a candid conversation. The truth is, she isn’t only throwing up or not eating for short term to lose weight for shiddichim, it just doesn’t work that way. It’s a very emotionally draining disease and you will not stop until you are ready.

I, after a long while, decided on my own to discuss it with a very sweet rabbi who also stood as psychologist in my high school. He helped me without threatening to tell my mom or friends but he talked to me almost daily and helped me work through my problems. I had had no idea that being bulimic posed a danger to future pregnancies and that is probably one of the major reasons I worked so hard to stop. I won’t lie and say after high school it never happened again, but I did get a lot better and Baruch Hashem am a mommy to a healthy big baby boy and iyH will have many, many more children, healthy and happy. It was my choice, not something a doctor or rabbi or parent forced me to do. This is a very complicated situation and you shouldn’t listen to advice from people not in the know.