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An example: A man is able to cook. When a man cooks, he makes food. When a women cooks she does avodas haMikdash. So why would a man cook (obviously not talking in extenuating circumstances)?
This is not only sexist, its plain wrong. When the Kohanim roasted meat in the Bais Hamikdash, they were not doing Avodas HaKodesh? Do I have to list the Tannaim/Amoraim who would specifically cook or otherwise prepare for Shabbos themselves?
Another example: When a man sends his wife out to learn Torah, he gets (hopefully embarrassed, but other than that) nothing. When a women sends her husband out to learn Torah, she gets all the schar and benefits of learning Torah.
When a man sends his wife out to learn Torah, he gets a more Kosher and Torahdik home (assuming he sends her out to learn the right things, not the Sem “Yalkut Shimoni” Tiflus). Halevai every woman should have a seder in Basar V’Chalav.
My point is, why make our own avodas perach? Why would we want to put ourselves into a situation where we are not enhancing ourselves is the way most beneficial for our roles?
Who are you to decide what the Netiya and the Derech of Avaodas Hashem is for any individual, male or female? Who are you to say that the Torah of people like Reb. Nechama Leibowitz or Reb. Bruria David should have not been revealed to Klal Yisroel!?