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I think I specifically mentioned cooking because I enjoy cooking (maybe breakfast for himself, Itold us that one time he was cooking and his grandmother R’ Ahron Kotler’s Rebbetzin told him that “a bochur doesn’t belong in the kitchen”.

Unfortunately, that is part of a larger shittah (to which I strongly disagree). Out of that shittah comes the Kollel guys who claim that taking out garbage is “beneath them”. I hear, it is a “Lakewood” shittah, but IMHO (and that of many Gedolim of the previous generations) Chazal would disagree.

My take is a bit different. Unfortunately, this is part of a larger problem of taking random stories and elevating them to Tziddukki Torah. Without context, the story must be taken literally and a kitchen receives the din of a ladies restroom. But most likely, what she intended to say was something along the lines of “I’ve got it this time”.