Reply To: Broken Engagements

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just me

Oomis, I guess I wasn’t clear. The couple did check with Dor Yesharun but after the engagment. They were both carriers.

I also know that although that I had my reasons for breaking the engagement, I’m sure he told a different story. There are deffinatally 3 sides to a story.

I don’t know if a girl can’t marry a Cohen after tenoiyim. We did sign a shtar mechila but it wasn’t in front of a rav like a get would have been. It was drawn up by my grandfather. He showed it to the Satmar Dayan who OKed it. No one, not the Dayan or my grandfather (who was a big talmud chacham) said anything about cohanim so I don’t know. My husband isn’t a cohen so it never came up. My in-laws and my sister-in-law grilled me about the engagement. I guess I passed muster.