Reply To: Greatness of Our Gedolim – The Ragachover Gaon

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on the ball

Rogachovers Assistant:

I’ve heard that R’ Yaakov Kamenetsky Zt’l was against biographies of Gedolim that emphasise their natural genius rather than their hard work at Torah and Avodas Hashem. It just causes kids to give up from the start when they hear about a Godol who knew the entire Tanach when he was 7, knew Shas before his Bar-Mitzvah and was paskening Shaalos at age 18.

The Rogachover was an unbelievable masmid who learnt Torah every waking moment (except when forbidden) and hardly slept. One cannot in mere words do justice to the Hasmadah (diligence) of the Rogachover. Stories about his Hasmadah inspire us to work at our own Hasmadah.

But your story about his natural genius and phenomenal memory ,while fascinating, in reality does nothing to inspire Avodas Hashem any more than the guy in Japan who has memorised ‘pi’ to 100,000 decimal places.