Reply To: There is NO Shidduch Crisis

Home Forums Shidduchim There is NO Shidduch Crisis Reply To: There is NO Shidduch Crisis


Golfer: “And in a mathematical equasion if they’re both equal then I think you’re wrong.” No they are not both equal. I repeat – Hashem is beyond statistics and mathematical equations (spelled with a t by the way). He is the One we must turn to. Period. BTW – can you explain how not believing in the shidduch crises and age gap would make one a koifer?

DY: apples and oranges. But if you’re going to make that comparison anyway, I would say, yes – Hashem is in charge of your parnassa as well. Of course one must do their hishtadlus to earn money and budget it correctly, just as one must do their hishtadlus in shidduchim. According to the statistic theory, there’s no point in working on shidduchim for the older girls if it’s already determined that 10% will not get married. Why don’t we just give up on the older girls?