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benignuman -“Health, This has all probably been discussed before”

Yes it has; -so I’m wondering why you are repeating it? Did you change your SN from that topic and want to “prove” you’re right -or you don’t want to look up what I posted there?

“but the S”A does not require a woman to get married. It only requires a man to get married.”

Not True! And the Mareh Mokom is in my previous topic!

“Second, Even HaEzer 2:9 expressly states that a young man should not marry an old woman and an old man should not marry a young woman.”

Like I posted in that topic, your definition is Not that of the Torahs’. A 50 -60 yo man is Not considered a Zakein, nor is an 18 yo or up woman considered a Yalda.

But keep trying to change the Halacha because you don’t like my posts. In my definition s/o who changes the meaning of Halacha for their own or anyone else’s PC is called being Megaleh Ponim B’Torah Shelo K’halacha!