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PBA (sorry, PBO): When I say a scientific survey, I assume that statistical analyses have been performed, such as standard deviation and chi square. (Trust me, I’m an ex-AP Bioer- I know of what I speak…)

A study such as one you describe would never pass these tests, as you point out.

benignuman: Statistical tests such as the ones describe above could be helpful in disregarding a statistic WITHOUT just doing so because it feels right.

Just as an illustration of what I mean-

Let’s say the American divorce rate is 50%. But wait- where I live, I know of very few people who are divorced or who have been divorced? That, however, is because I live in the Orthodox Jewish community, and there are fewer divorces.

That, as I mentioned, is what I don’t like about NASI- they lump all problems together, when specialization to uncover the roots of the problem may be a better idea.