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That is point 8. No problem I’d be happy to elaborate.

first of If point 4 didnt confuse you you now realize that, if out of 112 girls who have 300 dates available There is still a problem of “infrequent dating.” It is hard to imaging how an even number of girls and boys ie 300 dates available to only 100 girls would significantly later that.

The “age gap” is built on the premise that marriage occurs 1:1. However dating doesnt . I have dated 18 girls, and I know of others who have dated far more (I am sure you do to. There still are girls who arent getting dates! This can not be explained by any “age gap” There are more than enough dates avalable to all gilrs.

In other words while the “age gap” may explain why girls aren’t getting married, it does not at all explain why they aren’t getting dates

Secondly the “age gap” isnt new, yet the “shiduch crises” is. why do you refuse to examine other new societel norms in dating as the potential cause of the “shiduch crises”