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I was agreeing to semantics. The substance is hogwash. Even AZ doesnt actually beleive it,

FACT: The demographics were the same. PEriod. And youhave never said otherwise. You didnt know what changed, and asked my question to AZ yourself earlier. Now the question is why is there a “crises” Now and not then.

(Granted My assertion is based on anecdotal evidence, but hey so is the entire NASI project)

It was YOU in your zeal to cover up the truth that brought up a Nes, and you may be right, buit I dont know where you got it from that that was my argument.

I have a rational approach, the style of dating has changed over the past years and with it a “crises” evolved.

Who did those “extra” girls date? I dont know maybe boys their age or younger. Maybe dinasours. Maybe if dating isnt so rigid people find spouses on their own, as long as, and here is the kicker, they have dates!

Throwing more boys into the mix will not help if girls arent getting dates in the first place