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You are putting the cart before the horse.

Going through the dating process, first girls must get dates. The “age gap” can not explain the “infrequent dating” this has been explained at leangth.

I agree there is a chance that the “age gap” will still prevent some from getting married. (Though I doubt it, don’t forget the number of people “in shiduchim” constantly changes) but solving the “age gap” will do absolutely nothing for those suffering from “infrequent dating.” There aRE ENOUGH DATE SAVAILABLE FOR THEM. Please Please understand this point. There are enough dates for all girls to get almost as many dates as their friends. If some girls suffer from “infrequent dating” This is in no way shape or form due to the “age gap” and thus will not be resolved by focusing on the “age gap”

I really don’t know why this is confusing you