Reply To: Shidduch Crisis Solutions

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It would even the playing field than in of itself is a worthy maaleh. ESPECIALLY if girls were at a disadvantage already as a result of a “age gap” The girls who say yes may have a leg up on the other girls on boys list.

Again though this is just an idea and not my main point. Feel free to disagree with it, I thik it would help, if id doesn’t nu nu.

This discussion is going in circles and ha gotten off track.

It began with MOP saying we all know the sidduch crises is a result of the “age gap”

I replied that we don’t all know that for two main reasons: 1) The age gap isn’t new and yet the shiduch crises is. and 2) The age gap doesn’t explain the dating divide.

All other discussion as to what should be done or what I think is the real cause are side issues that you have been getting to caught up in.

You believe evening the playing field wont help? Fine lets keep artificially giving boys and unfair advantage. That isn’t my point anyway.