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☕ DaasYochid ☕

Ubiquitin, you can’t keep on denying that age gap + large families = disparity. It’s simply unavoidable. I am not at all uncertain that 1) is false; I just don’t know which of the three parts to the equation changed.

Why deal with a questionable, less severe problem first, if it still won’t solve the bigger problem? Why not deal with the larger, certain issue, which will help solve the dating divide?

If you want both to be dealt with, go ahead and take care of the dating disparity. Get haskomos from dozens of roshei yeshivos, and convince philanthropists to help you. AFAIK, that’s what NASI did (AZ can correct me if I’m wrong), and I’m certainly not stopping you from doing the same. But there’s no logical reason not to address the very real numbers issue.