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I dont know since i have never discussed this with admissions commitee.

Here are my two cents Touro is viewed as worse than other colleges. I’m not saying it should be but it is. That being said would a BETTER GPA from touro be better than a lower one from say Brooklyn, (Princeton?)could certainly be, probably depends on the difference. (Though if what ytrwewq says is true, why would it be easier to get a higher GPA from touro, and if it is easier to get the higher GPA, there is your answer as to why it is looked down upon).

You say “far better positioned across the MCAT scale”, The MCAT is the great equalizer and would probably be given more weight from a less known college. How can you compare a 4.0 from touro to a 3.5 from PRinceton? By looking at their MCAT scores. In such a scenario it will be given more weight not less.

Also a few more points to the OP

1)Extracurricular are importnat Theres no need to go crazy, but you do need to show you have some interest in medicine and have an idea what medical field is like. Shaddow a Doctor, volunteer a bit at a hospital etc. You have time to worry about this since you havent even begun undergrad yet, but dont wait to the last minute. This will also give you something to discuss on interviews.

2) Be prepared to discuss what you have been doing over the past 7 years or so. Many academics do appreciate studying for its own sake, but spiritual betterment of the world may be a tough sell. Just be prepared to many it may sound like youve been slacking unless you carfeully frame what youve done. For obvious reasons admissions comittee’s abhor slackers

3) Read lopman24’s post above, his tone is harsher than I wouldve put it but I agree with all he wrote.

4) I cant stress this enough be flexible

5) It can absolutely be done