Reply To: Hechshers

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RD – I want to add that it is very annoying to me that you insist upon using the transliteration that the British began rather than using the common transliteration that most people are comfortable with. Like you write here “halakha” but you refer to a “hatan”. Now that kh is the same sound (we can hardly differentiate between a chof and a chet) but there is definitely a difference between a chet and a heh, so there is no meaning to your word “Heh – tet/taf – nun sofit”. You also use the term “halak” but you write “hechsherim”. Living in EY and seeing these ridiculous transliterations that we can’t seem to get rid of makes this issue bother me more. Would it be a problem for you to use a ch rather than h or kh for the chof/chet sound? I for one would really appreciate it.