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Sam2: I don’t understand what you are talking about.
writersoul: I don’t know why you keep talking about the Rambam’s name. It has nothing to do with what his name is and everything to do with what he is: a Rishon. You are right, perfection is only for Hashem. But that doesn’t mean the Rishonim were not malachim. However, that is neither here nor there. Do you agree or disagree that if the Rambam opens a gemarah and learns a topic for 10 hours straight, that whatever conclusions he writes down would be considered Torah? If so, then learning an additional 2 hours and coming to a different conclusion does not negate the existence of the first Torah. You can’t destroy Torah.
SL1: Because the machlokes is between the first Torah he concluded and the second Torah he concluded. If what he wrote at first was Torah (and I hope that it is obvious that it was), then that Torah can’t be negated it exists.