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Another thing to keep in mind is that while many scientists feel survival of the fittest and time explain the creation, it does not explain lack of creation.

Design doesn’t only mean that the world and creations have what they need, it also means that whatever they have, they need. There is no scientific or logical explanation for that fact that we don’t have carrot-like protrusions, that aren’t decoration, protection, storage, or for other important functions.

It is taken for granted that if an animal has a funny looking limb it serves a purpose. Why don’t unnecessary limbs just develope? Why don’t humans have useless wings under our feet?

Often, liturature refer to Nature almost as a conscious entity. This is because when you observe nature, the conscious designer stares you in the face. People also feel instinctively that they were put places for a purpose. Those who don’t want to acknowledge Someone in charge refer to how Fate put them there, or Nature, or the Universe, or the General Consciousness.

Since you asked for one sentence, use the first. Back it up with the rest.