Reply To: What in the world is "Cheilek Elokah Mima'al" supposed to mean?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee What in the world is "Cheilek Elokah Mima'al" supposed to mean? Reply To: What in the world is "Cheilek Elokah Mima'al" supposed to mean?

Dr. Horse

Hashem blew a Neshama into Adom HaRishon, & everyone gets their Neshama the same way. Hashem does not have a mouth to blow with or lungs to contain ruach; anthropomorphics is just a way for us to understand on our own level. When Hashem blows into us, He blows Himself into us, & because He is not dividable into parts, we remain always attached to Hashem by virtue of our Neshamos. Each one of use (our true essence, our Neshama) is a cheilek, a part of Hashem.