Reply To: What in the world is "Cheilek Elokah Mima'al" supposed to mean?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee What in the world is "Cheilek Elokah Mima'al" supposed to mean? Reply To: What in the world is "Cheilek Elokah Mima'al" supposed to mean?

Dr. Horse

Check out parshas haazinu (Devorim 32:9). The posuk says “Ki chelek Hashem amo”, “for a portion of Hashem is His nation”. Check out the commentaries on that verse. If you Google Devorim 32:9, you’ll get hits that explain it well. (I don’t want to get the Mods riled up so I won’t post the links. Maybe they’ll let me tell you to check Na-aleh and Torah Portion).