Reply To: The Cost of Being Orthodox

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You get your hair cut every 2-3 weeks? What, do you have a buzz cut? Or does your hair magically grow in overnight like Harry Potter’s? I get mine cut every 6-8 weeks and that’s considered frequent. Hair only grows an average of about 1/2 inch per month.

Expenses that are incurred l’kvod shabbos and yom tov may be justified expenses and we may decide to spend more on them than we would on others. That does not mean that they don’t cost money. It may be well worth the money, but it would be irresponsible to not include that in a cheshbon whatsoever. You’re just shooting yourself in the foot that way by keeping inaccurate financial records.

If it matters to you to go to a shiur in person, do so. But almost all of them are free, unless you count gas money.