Reply To: Could Snowden help or hurt Pollard?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Could Snowden help or hurt Pollard? Reply To: Could Snowden help or hurt Pollard?


“Not like the U.S. is going to admit what that was.”

The US still does not know what it was for sure, because Pollard refused to talk and Israel still hasn’t fessed up.

“However, his 25 year sentence is excessive, as most others who spy for an ally get a maximum of 7 years.”

Pollard’s sentence was life with a possibility of parole after ten years. But he has never applied for parole. He will be released on November 21, 2015, after serving 30 years. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg spied for an ally and got the death penalty for that, so by that standard Pollard got off easy.