Reply To: Satmer

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Sam2, in addition to the above answer by a different poster, from Rav Ovadiah’s other writings that I’ve seen, he is not a Zionist. He believes in, and says he encourages people to join those who are, living in E”Y and even calls this Zionism.

But he is not, CH”V, a Zionist, including hisgarus baUmos, dechikas haKeitz, shmad and the other central tenets of Zionist theology.

Zionism is treif and heretical, according to the great sages of yesteryear (and today) regardless of MO and “Religious Zionist” wishes to the contrary.

DaMoshe, you insist on having the Zionist wool pulled over your eyes. It is the Zionists who make things up and distort our holy Torah to further their idolatrous cause.