Reply To: Fasting

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Fasting Reply To: Fasting


Yes Sam, I am in EY, and I posted well after our fast was done here. But OP said that s/he had been fasting for 12 hours. How many more hours is the fast than 12 hours? I know NY is farther to the north, meaning a later sunset/longer day. Is it longer than 15 hours? Here a 14 hour long is about the longest, give or take 15 minutes. I just guestimating right now since I don’t know when alos was this morning, and we hold the shortest time for waiting until tzeis hakochavim on the “easier” fasts. I could have been totally off base and if I was I apologize to OP. I did mention that if OP could not find someone that should tell him/her to break the fast early, only then should s/he just rest. Again, no judgements/offense intended.