Reply To: Hiring as Kiruv

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🐵 ⌨ Gamanit

I think the idea of hiring for the sake of kiruv is a very poor idea. When looking to fill a position, generally the best way to go about it is by looking for the person most suitable for the position. Doing otherwise will just lead to problems. I’m not saying you weren’t qualified to be a counselor at that point. It’s probable though that they found someone more suitable for this particular position. I doubt they kept the position empty. As much as you know Bais Yaakov and its standards, it’s possible that one day you would slip up and accidently forget to wear a skirt that’s long enough for their standards. That’s less likely to happen if they hire one of their own graduates. If you were the director of a Bais Yaakov daycamp and had the choice of hiring someone like you were then or a Bais Yaakov graduate, which would you choose?