Reply To: Is there a program out there that will block off wifi on an android phone?

Home Forums Computers / Electronics / Online Is there a program out there that will block off wifi on an android phone? Reply To: Is there a program out there that will block off wifi on an android phone?


Hi, of course you can. You have to change the settings of the wifi antenna – just make sure you have a copy of the settings in case you need in the future. If it’s a recent smartphone you have do it for both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz bands. Please go to system/etc/wifi and have a look what’s there, such as nvram_mfg.txt and nvram_net.txt (the exact details depend on what device you have and what android version) That’s where the parameters are, rx and tx power, frequency etc. You can change them or as someone else suggested, rename the files or the whole folder.

I advise after doing that, you manually disable wifi in the phone preferences, because some terminals might attempt anyway to find a lock to the signal and waste battery power.