Reply To: Too many pinocchios (nosy people)

Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues Too many pinocchios (nosy people) Reply To: Too many pinocchios (nosy people)


yersl; You are Heimish, indeed. If I’m not mistaken, you used to live a block away from my house. But looking at the bright side of this particularly Jewish trait (Middah). It’s a sign of caring, and readiness to help when needed. There’s a famous story about a young couple who moved to a town whose residents were particularly nosy. One day, the husband couldn’t resist finding out what’s doing at his neighbor’s across the road. He takes a pair of binoculars that he purchased recently. Gets up to the window. What does he see?! His neighbor looking through a pair of binoculars, staring at his house!