Reply To: US Supreme Court recent rulings

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Kfb, interesting and a good point. Many people either don’t see marriage and procreation as equal parts in the cycle of life. Or they will say that there are thousand ds of children who need homes in this world so by adopting, they are raising a family in the truest sense. Honestly, I feel very bad for people who can’t find their yh and sometimes don’t understand why Hashem created homosexuals if they’re lives were too be so difficult. But it’s not my job to understand. They should be able to live and do what they want I’m no judge. What I do t appreciate, is having the gay life style shoved down my throat. By frum friends Or liberal politicians, it is forcibly shoved down my throat. I’m a biggot for bit embracing their lifestyle, I’m a bad person because I believe in the Torah. The worst is when someone I know says ” well toieva is just one sun, I don’t see you condemning adulterors and thrives and cheaters”. Umm-I don’t do any of those things and yes I do condem it!