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heretohelp -“The people who originally brought the case, the toevaniks, had standing because they were injured by the law, whether or not the law is a good idea or not.”

Why do you keep saying I don’t understand their decision, just because you don’t understand my point?

I’ll quote my point from above:

“It’s not discrimination saying one type of cohabitation is Not considered marriage, unless you’ll agree that illegalizing marriage to an animal is also discrimination.”

You see Prop 8 is no more discriminatory than the law saying a human can’t marry an animal, unless you will tell me that the Federal Judge would allow such a case to proceed and find the law unconstitutional. There is no difference between the two cases. The only reason this case was considered and found to be unconstitutional was because of PC. It has nothing to do with law. And the Supreme Court did the exact same thing. This is a classic example of legislating from the bench.