Reply To: US Supreme Court recent rulings

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benignuman -“If, as the Supreme Court held, moral disapproval is not a valid basis for prohibiting something, then it is very hard to justify why bestiality, poygamy and incest (where both parties are adults) can be prohibited. The other reasons given for prohibiting those acts, like those regarding mishkav zachor, do not hold up to an serious scrutiny.”

Yes, this was my point. The defenders of Toeiva marriage here, namely, “heretohelp” & “jewishfeminist02”, can only bring a defense for bestiality, but they have no argument why polygamy is illegal. To me, many of our Gov. and many of the pop. have no problem putting polaygamists in jail, but OTOH they scream civil rights, not just Not to put Toeivaniks in jail, but they must have legal marriage too!?! This is a case of if you’re an Achzor (mean) when you should have Rachmonus (mercy), like on people marrying more than one woman, then you end up having mercy where you should be an Achzor, like by Toeiva!