Reply To: US Supreme Court recent rulings

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yytz -“The analogy to bestiality is absurd, and it’s counterproductive to even bring it up.”

Actually the legal analysis is the same. It just makes people uncomfortable, but PBA’s legal analysis on this subject is correct.

“The reasons given will probably be that polygamy potentially harms women and harms men by reducing the pool of mates.”

Oh really? And how does allowing Toeiva marriage not harm those seeking mates? Marriage is more of a commitment, but before this even if they were Toeiva prone these relationships could and would end and the possibility of becoming straight again is much more likely than once there is legal marriage. Anyone can think up a million differences between anything that they want, but does it pass the test of logic? And the biggest proof that these differences aren’t logical is because the Torah says one is Ok and the other is Not, even for Goyim. If the 7 Mitzvos Bnai Noach weren’t logical, Hashem could never hold them responsible to keep them!