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In the first Seif, the Mechaber says that one should not build himself a home like the kings (and many Achronim including the Chasam Sofer apply this in building new homes in general – I will elaborate later on IY”H). The Mechaber says that one should leave an Amoh over an Amoh unpainted. This perfect square (look in Pri Megadim and Shaarei Teshuva) should be across from the main entrance to the home (there is a dispute; with some saying all rooms need it) so you see it upon entering. There are some that say that it should be done over the door (Minhagei Chasam Sofer) and the Mishne Berura defends this view. The Mishne Berura also defends those who don’t do it (among other Achronim), however most reasons cited do not apply nowadays. Someone that rents and the landlord objects to him peeling the paint, does not have the right to do it against his will.
There are many who put paintings of the Kosel or Yerushalayim and the Mishne Berura says one should not protest (Igros Moshe, Chelek Gimel Siman Pey Vav). However, many (including the Shlah, Pri Megadim, and Kaf Hachaim) say it defeats the purpose.
Let’s hear what you have to say on this Halacha.