Reply To: Round Challah

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Ok jl- try this:

Roll out 4 strands and leave the center of the strand a little thicker than the sides(should look like a small bump).

Put 2 strand downward side by side of each other.

Put 1 strand across-on top of those two.

Put the last strand downward again on top of all.

Now you shoud have 3 strands going downward and 1 strand across.

Now braid the two ends that have 3 strands like a simple braid.

Now it should look like one braid going downward and a single strand across.

Then you fold under the top braid under the challah(very loosely), and also fold under the bottom part of the braid underneathe the challah.

Fold each side of the single strand under the challah too.

Now the challah should look somewhat round. When placed in a round pan and baked, you get a BEAUTIFUL round, braided Challah.

It’s a lot more simple than it sounds! I did it yesterday for the first time and I’m so proud of them!