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1. If they were identified as yeshiva bachurim its probably not because they were wearing jeans and tshirts. More likely they were dressed in black and white ie like yeshivish/ ultra orthodox do. Also if they weren’t then someone would have helped. But lets see what the OP has to say.

2.”I was discussing travel tips with one of my close friends whose daughter had already spent a year in israel” The story was said in the context of tips. What tip would you take away from a story trying to bash yeshiva bachurim?

3. Because someone yeshivish would have positive things to say about learning not just attempting to put down yeshiva bachurim

4.”I was discussing travel tips with one of my close friends whose daughter had already spent a year in israel.” So what tip would you take from the story? Don’t fall under your suit cases? pack lighter?

5. Someone who was a yeshiva bochur or part of thier “social group” ie “ultra orthodox probably would not have told the story in that context. havings said that they are the only group who as a general rule keeps shomer nagia.

btw- you didn’t tell me if you were yeshivish or ultra orthodox but I can with a high degree of certainty guess you are not. Am I wrong?