Reply To: Lo Yilbash (YWN Article about R' Chaim Kavievsky Shlit"a and wristwatches)

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Lo Yilbash (YWN Article about R' Chaim Kavievsky Shlit"a and wristwatches) Reply To: Lo Yilbash (YWN Article about R' Chaim Kavievsky Shlit"a and wristwatches)


Thanks to Sam2 and apushateyid for pointing us towards the Wikipedia entry. However, if you follow the trail to the book from which the entry is derived, you realize that the use of some kind of wristwatch already happened in teh NINETEENTH century , by the German navy in the 1880’s and the British in the Boer War (1899-1902) and used by thoe most manly of people,soldiers . It was refined in the early twentieth century and fully popularized after the First World War. i would suggest that the Chazon Ish, living in Vilna, Lithuania at the end of the nineteenth century and beginning of the twentieth century, did not see those wristwatches on men until much later. Hence, maybe this explains his opinion on this. Whether one should consider it similarly today is rather problematic.