Reply To: Lo Yilbash (YWN Article about R' Chaim Kavievsky Shlit"a and wristwatches)

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Lo Yilbash (YWN Article about R' Chaim Kavievsky Shlit"a and wristwatches) Reply To: Lo Yilbash (YWN Article about R' Chaim Kavievsky Shlit"a and wristwatches)

YW Moderator-42

With all due respect to Rav Kanievsky, I don’t understand this supposed psak.

He is supposedly quoting the Chazon Ish who lived many years ago. Fashions change with time. I understand that in the Chazon Ish’s time, men wore pocket watches and women wore wrist watches; but nowadays, almost nobody wears a pocket watch and wrist watches are a normal thing for both men and women to wear (at least here in America). In fact, one of the gifts that a kalla “traditionally” gives her chosson is a fancy watch. So unless you hold that lo yilbash is based on what they wore at the time of Moshe Rabeinu, I can’t hear any svara for watches to be a problem (unless you are making a gezeira because of Shabbos but that is very different than lo yilbash).