Reply To: Lo Yilbash (YWN Article about R' Chaim Kavievsky Shlit"a and wristwatches)

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Lo Yilbash (YWN Article about R' Chaim Kavievsky Shlit"a and wristwatches) Reply To: Lo Yilbash (YWN Article about R' Chaim Kavievsky Shlit"a and wristwatches)


“Many Rabonim in Europe, including, apparently, R’ Kanievsky felt that a wristwatch was still an article of women’s adornment and , as such, was assur als lo yilbosh.”

By that logic, fedora hats should be asur for men because they are beged ishah. In fact, if you go back far enough, so would trousers!