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Gamanit: It’s not real Ever Min Hachai unless there is a full Ever, with Basar, Gidim, V’atzamos. So this would be Basar Min Hachai.
Akuperma: You should stop presuming and look things up. Those who are Mattir using real rennet hold it’s okay because the rennet isn’t considered meat. Since it’s taken from the stomach lining, they hold it was a Din of “Or” and animal skins aren’t Treif since they are inherently inedible (with the exception of pig flesh).
And it would be hard to Assur a potato before they knew it existed. My point was that those who heard of it and said it was Chametz Gamur (if anyone had ever said that) must have never actually seen one.
And you are incorrect in your history about turkeys as well. No one ever held it was a Treif bird. It is plain to see that the turkey has the Simanim of a Kosher bird. However, the Ashkenazi Minhag, as brought down in the Rama, is to not eat any bird unless we have a Mesorah that it is a Kosher bird, regardless of the Simanim. There was obviously never any Mesorah on turkeys so Ashkenazim didn’t eat it.
Ironically enough, Ashkenazim began eating turkey when they saw Sephardim eating them. They (erroneously) assumed that their Sephardi brothers must have had a Mesorah that a turkey was a Kosher bird and therefore they could rely on the Sephardi Mesorah. The Sephardim never had any such Mesorah; they just didn’t have the Chumra of the Rama to only eat a bird on which there is a Mesorah.
There is a post-facto Limud Z’chus on the Ashkenazim who began eating turkeys in that maybe the turkey is similar enough to a chicken that they can Halachically be considered just another species of chicken and therefore the Ashkenazi Mesorah on chicken allows us to eat turkey as well. (The SHU”T Chasam Sofer OC 127 has a reference to the “Sephardi chickens that are bigger than Ashkenazi ones”, a clear reference to turkey.) Many people today, most notably Briskers, hold that this logic is entirely illegitimate and that we obviously cannot rely upon the Sephardic non-Mesorah on this and therefore do not eat turkey.