Reply To: Why should I be proud to be Jewish?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Why should I be proud to be Jewish? Reply To: Why should I be proud to be Jewish?


Re post by Toi: If Jews invented herring, I might agree with you.

Pride in being Jewish is as unsound as any other form of ethnic pride, or any pride in anything other than one’s own accomplishments. I did not survive a concentration camp, or a pogrom. I did not discover penicillin or the theory of relativity, I did not write the Mishneh Torah or the Shulchan Aruch.

I give tzedukkah – that is something to be proud of. Hashem requires me, as a Jew, to give tzedukkah – that is nothing to be proud of, unless I do it. Hashem gives me a Jewish soul – that is nothing to be proud of. Hashem requires me to put on tefillin – that is nothing to be proud of, but putting on tefillin – that’s something to be proud of.