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Many people who “argue with the proofs” dont want an answer. Theres a famous story with Rav Chaim Brisker where a maskil or some yid who had gone off the derech came to him and said I have questions on yiddishkeit. He said, “if you really have questions Ill be glad to answer them, but I dont think you have questions you have teirutzim, you have answers or excuses to why you want to live the life you live and these questions are your excuse for living a non religious life.”

Many people know that the answers to the questions are out there. Torah is emes and all is contained therein. The problem is they want to live a life full of Tayvah and disconnected from Hashem and their conscience requires an “excuse” so they conjure up some lame questions.

Theres a great Kotzker vort. He used to say “Where is G-d?” “Wherever we let Him in!”

These people dont want to let G-d in because it interferes with the freedom that they desire. Realize that at the root of many people that leave religion, any religion is Tayvos. Religion stifles your Tayvos and doesnt let you pursue all the wonderful (and might I add perverse) pleasures of this world. However if someone would ask why arent you religious? A person will not feel comfortable saying “my Yetzer Horah has me wrapped around his finger and I just cant stop doing, eating, looking at whatever…”you get the point so they say “oh I have questions.” This even makes them sound insightful and philosophical which is all baloney. Most of them dont have questions they just want freedom.