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Home Forums Bais Medrash Minhagim Chassidish Minhagim and which Chassidus does it Reply To: Chassidish Minhagim and which Chassidus does it


Aishes Chayil, I did not mean to make light of the minhag. In fact, my family keeps this minhag as well! (If a situation would come up where we would want a shidduch but the prospective shver would have the same name as the boy or the shvigger same name as the girl, we would ask our rav… I’ve heard stories where people added a name to the girl and she’s called by her new name for this reason!) My point is (and this if for shlishi as well) that there are so many people who treat this and various minhagim as “???? ??? ????” that HALEVAI they would treat the Aseres Hadibros with the same stringency. i.e. Lo Sirtzach – don’t embarrass others! etc…