Reply To: What is forgiving?

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Shrek, this was NOT a rant! And most of the questions have nothing to do with me, only one or two, tecnically they all could but I was thinking about in general……not for me. I was just giving examples cuz I was wondering if what everyone considers forgiving. B”H wtvr happened to me caused me little pain. But I am still angry and not comfortable to be in the presense of hear of _____ after she did what she did.

Im just wondering if that is forgiving? What do you consider forgiving???? I understand why __ did ____ even though it is not something…well…a normal person would do…..

Sorry if you thought i was having an emotional rant, but thank you for the inspiration spee lch that I didnt need at the moment but was very good all the same, Im sure it helped someone else in the CR reading this. B”H Im fine, what happened, happened and Im going to tell her I forgive her…the question is, is that considered forgiving????